

"Art is the desire of a man to express himself, to record the reactions of his personality to the world he lives in." Amy Lowell
This was one of the famous quotes that Afsaneh put at the end of her emails. She did not put the author usually, but a quick Google Search indicated that this one is from Amy Lowell, an American woman from the previous century. So maybe this is the reaction of my personality to the world I am living in. Or maybe it is just me exploring variations of a concept explored in a previous drawing.
Even when I can't focus on work, I am able to focus quite well on drawing: since I feel the urge to DO something and am unable to do any work, at least drawing gives me an outlet and a reason to be happy of what I did with my day (outside of waiting in lines for visas and police reports...)
As a consequence I started drawing more regularly, and inking old drawings too: -> http://www.flickr.com/photos/lejyby/sets/72157617866553342/ I would like to find someone to give those some colors...

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