
[Glass Engraving] CC3001 Prizes

[Poésie] Tu verras bien qu'un beau matin fatigué


Tu verras bien qu'un beau matin fatigué,
j'sortirai d'm'a maison énervé, he he he,
Tu verras bien qu'il n'y aura pas que moi,
Rageur, à lever les bras.

Tu verras bien qu'un beau matin fatigués,
On se levera tous un peu énervés, he he he,
Tu verras bien qu'il n'y aura pas que moi,
À dire ca suffit comme ça!


[Glass Etching] Prizes for the course of Pedagogical Animations

As previous years, I carved some glasses for my students and TAs of the course of Pedagogical animations. They liked them a lot! (And they said they liked the course too!)


[Thoughts] DPS

"I went to the woods because I wanted to live deliberately. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life! To put to maul all that was not life. And not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived..."-- HDT, DPS

Watching it in a world without him is harder than ever =(



[Art] Murals

I love getting lost, I always find surprisingly beautiful stuff around =o)


[Art] TNT and the green flag

Some mornings I just feel like drawing something... And I realize only later via the comments if a neighbor that the flag is green as the ones from last week's march.

Sometimes a smile is just a smile, and a drawing is just a drawing!