
[Art] BD en Anglais

Originally uploaded by LeJyBy.
On continue sur l'inspiration BD. J'enseigne un cours d'informatique en Janvier prochain, j'ai une reunion aujourd'hui sur comment je dois l'organiser, alors je pense qu'une BD sur l'enseignement est de circonstances...
J'espere bien faire rire mes etudiants, mais quand meme pas trop, on est au Canada tout de meme!


Anonymous said...

It is hard to read the text in your comic-strip, my dear Jyby : 'cause of the picture's definition, the letters are undisctinct.

Ann Haulnimme

fefe said...

Same as Ann, I suggest that for your next strips you do the lettering once it has been scanned.

Btw, I am still not convinced that competition is an efficient way to motivate students. Well the only form of competition I succeded to use was : "you leave the course when you've finished the exercises" ;)

dot said...

OK ok ok...
I will get a real PC next week (better than the Pentium II that I currently use), and I will try to do colours and lettering properly.

My own signature at some point was "O'Nym Anne". :)))

dot said...

As for the "you leave the course when you've finished the exercises", I love it, but when I tried it here in Canada, I got some nasty remark on it at the end of the term, on the anonymous evaluation sheet!
Other Country, Other Customs...

The competition I am talking about was a programing assignment where the students projects were copied every hour from their directory, and evaluated automatically and ranked by their average performance on 100 random instances. Other questions were more complicated but the first question was a simple binary search: even the best students had an algorithm in running in (2lg n), the others battled to get to the same level, and they were all crazy about finding how to get (1+lg n). Same thing for the next question. For MIAGE Students who hated algorithms, I think that competition helped to get them interested.

Of course, the evaluation was only at the end, so it was competition WITHOUT evaluation, which I prefer by far.

dot said...

I added active notes to the Comics on Flickr, they should be easier to read now.
And I will write bigger next time I promise!