
TNT and the Blue Box

A small fan Art to Dr Who :)


Super TNT

Here is a drawing about the secret life of TNT, inspired from the famous Clark Kent poster...

I made it in large,

but also in small on the back of a business card, to accompany a small chocolate box.


TNT, queen of Angry Birds! (Non Verbal Comic no 2)

Here is a second non verbal comic with TNT. It's hard to communicate without words!!!

It started with an exercise, drawing TNT as a knight in armor from a (male) model in the book about Chibi drawing.

I followed with a similar exercise, drawing TNT in a desguise, choosing Angry Birds as a theme.

It suggested the story of TNT dreaming she was a (knight) queen of the game Angry Birds, killing of the Pig King, dizzing up the red bird, all while sleeping in an Angry Bird disguise.


First try of a TNT Comic

Voici une tentative de bande dessinée non verbale, avec TNT comme principal personage, et la peluche "Smiley" qui figurait sur le balai de sorcière avec TNT. Here is a tentative of non verbal comic, with TNT as a main character, and the "smiley" plush that you could see with TNT on the broom of the witch.

Je ne suis pas trop content de la dernière image, que ce qui l'ont vu n'ont pas compris (et vous?). Peut-être que ça le sera un peu plus après encrage et coloriage... I am not too happy with the last image, most people don't get it (do you?). Maybe it will get more clear with ink and colors...

L'objectif final serait de pouvoir enseigner l'analyse d'algorithmes de cette manière, mais j'ai encore besoin de m'entrainer avec des taches bien plus faciles avant ça!!! The final objective would be to be able to teach techniques of analysis of algorithms in such a way, but I need to train much more before this!!!

Stilts Course and Camera testing

Pour l'anniversaire de J, on a pris un cours d'echasses urbaines avec Thomas de "Normandy Jump", et N, N et S (il n'y a pas assez de lettres dans l'alphabet pour etiquete tous les amis). J a teste sa nouvelle video camera / paire de lunettes de soleil, et moi mon nouveau harnais pour la Go Pro. On s'est bien amuse!!! For J's birthday we took a course of stilts, with N, N and S (there are not enough letters in the alphabet to label all friends). J tried out his video sun glasses and I tried out the harness for my Go Pro Camera. It was a lot of fun!!!