

I went last Saturday to a show by the company "Ballet National of Chile (BNCH)" on the music of "Los Jaibas". It was the first time that I saw such a great integration of music and dance, quite an iniciation.

The show was free and the band is popular so that I was quite crowded, but the essence of the show was projected on 5 (five!) big screens so that everybody could see it, and the sound quality of the "Plaza de Armas", the main big open space of downtown was great!

1 comment:

Halvorsen said...

Los Jaivas!!! (high-bass) su nombre original, pues el vocalista (que murió hace unos 4 o 5 años) era muy pequeño y el reto muy alto...pero para "chilenizar" el nombre, le pusieron "jaivas"...son maravillosos!!