

Metal CarvingMetal CarvingMetal Carving
J'ai passe la matinee avec mon ami Alberto. J'ai pris quelques photos de ses gravures: je pense qu'il pourrait beneficier d'un catalogue sur Internet, pour peut-etre y vendre quelques pieces. I spent the day with my friend Alberto. I took a few pictures of his carving: I think he could benefit from a catalogue on the Internet, and maybe sell a few pieces there. Hoy estaba con mi amigo Alberto. Tome algunas fotografías de su piecas: creo que el podría vender algunas en la red.
Metal Carving
J'aime beaucoup son travail, qui s'inspire de formes d'art de divers pays d'Amerique du Sud et d'Europe, et prochainement d'Amerique du Nord: je lui ai ramene des dessins du Canada qu'il a reproduit sur du cuivre. I love his work, which get inspiration from various form of art from South America and Europe, and in a close future from North America: I brought him some drawings from Canada that he reproduced on copper. Me encanta su trabajo, que tiene inspiracion de algunas formas de arte de America del Sur y de Europa, y proximativamente de America del Norte: trae algunos dibujos de Canada que el copie en cobre.
Metal CarvingMetal CarvingMetal Carving
Normalement il doit m'apprendre les rudiments dans les prochaines semaines: a moi les dragons et les filles nues sur cuivre ;) !!! Normally he is supposed to teach me the basics in the next few weeks: here I will come with dragons and naken women on copper ;) !!! Normalmente el va enseñarme algunas técnicas en las próximas semanas: quizás voy a hacer dragones y mujeres desnudas en cobre ;) !!!
Metal Carving


Sunny Day

La grande troupe
Aujourd'hui je me suis fais de nouveaux amis jongleurs, Today I made some new juggling friends, Hoy yo encontre nuevos amigos de mallavarismo,
Cycle race
J'ai participe a une course de cycles sur 5 kms avec mon monocycle... I participated in a cycle race of five kms, with my unicycle... Yo participe en una competencia de 5 kms para cyclos, con mi unicyclo...
Cycle race
et ils m'ont appelle sur le podium parce que j'ai gagne!!! (un teeshirt et une casquette, par tirage au sort ;) ) and I was called on the podium because I won!!!! (a teeshirt and cap through a random draw ;) ) y me llamaron en el podium para darme un premio!!! (un sweater y una gora, porque me elijaron al azard ;) )
Sexy clownsSexy clowns
J'aurais prefere un baiser des jolies clowns, mais je suis content quand meme. I would have prefered a kiss from the cute clowns, but I am still happy. Me gustaria mas un beso de las lindas pallasas, pero estoy feliz igual.



Went to a musical BBQ this Saturday, being invited at one after failing to organize so many of them. It was a blast, I taught some percussion and xaphoon to a 7 year old kid, made some new friends, and we agreed to play together more regularly, starting next Saturday.
I don't have pictures nor video nor recording of the event, but you can enjoy instead the musical lecture about improvisation by Jennifer Lin. Do not miss her analogy between composing and drawing comics! She is right on point, I would make the same analogy with etching a glass or writing a scientific paper, which I think of as an art as well...