
Auguri!!! Buon Annoo 2008!!!

Buon Anno!
Buon Anno da Roma!

Christianism overcoming PaganismIMG_2781
Where there are many museums to visit, with beautiful paintings and sculptures.
Contrasts: Rafael's painting and Porn All on the same stand! ;)Contrast: Naked woman on an apron (next to one with Leornardo de Vinci).Contrast: Leonard de Vinci on an apron (next to one with a naked woman)
many contrasts,
Green dress, the next day.De jolies tuniques.Un decollete plongeant.
and beautiful clothes!!!


Katyucha said...

Bonne année aussi a toi Jyby :)
Peut etre l'année où je te recontrerai enfin :p

cathinka said...

bonne anneeee jyby!!!
quand j'arrive a courrir assez vite,
je viendrai te rendre visite!