
first 10km race in a while

The university organized a race for its anniversary. I participated with two colleagues:


TNT: Suerte en Alemania!

Another postcard that I drew from a Chilean friend who left Canada with her Russian wife for an internship in Germany... Good luck to him!


TNT: Shining

A quick TNT drawing I did for a postcard to my grandmother: TNT is shining! :)


TNT: Die or Kreate

Sometimes I feel the need to isolate, and I am better focused on my art or on reading papers. It is kind of a depression, but it is still kind of positive in the sense that I do some things better in those phases than in more extroverted phases. I read some studies about it, it is supposed to be a known effect. Vincent van Gogh was supposed to be like this. Sometime I wish that the people with whom I interact would better understand this particular aspect of my personality...

PS: I antidate those posts, so don't draw any conclusion about my current state of mind from the date to which this post appears: the dates at which I create my stuff, at which I upload it on my blog and at which you get to see them are not the same!!!


Camping: Laguna Verde

Some pictures from a camping at "Laguna Verde":

1000 Tambores

Here are some pictures from the event "1000 tambores" in Valparaiso 2013:
I played with one of the band and the girls posed for a group picture with me after the end of the march :)


TNT: Writing on the wall

The writing is on the wall!

I don't know if I am bipolar or not, and it seems that doctors do not have such a clear definition of it anyway.
I like to think that everybody has ups and down, some oscillates more than others, and that I am good at taking advantage of both, relabeling such states as "CREATIVE" and "FOCUSED", with some tasks being appropriate for each of those phases.