From Jérémy "Le JyBy" |
Last week I went to a friend's place to help washing her 6 or so dogs. Lots of fun and love was there to have! | ||
I am going back there next week on zancos to help her to collect the fruits of her garden... |
From Jérémy "Le JyBy" |
News and Art for my family and friends.
From Jérémy "Le JyBy" |
Last week I went to a friend's place to help washing her 6 or so dogs. Lots of fun and love was there to have! | ||
I am going back there next week on zancos to help her to collect the fruits of her garden... |
From Jérémy "Le JyBy" |
From Jérémy "Le JyBy" |
I needed a holder (or more) for my android phone, so that not to look for the cable each time I need to connect it, and to keep the screen visible when I used it as a clock, a timer, a chronometer or a calendar. This is being Chile, and the android phone from Google being sold only to developers, I did not find one in any of the ten shops where I asked. But in the end I found that recycling studded animals in cell-phone stands worked even better :) | ||
In March I will need a phone holder for my office at the University. Any suggestion? |
From MyArt |
Une photo très artistique de Figaro, par Daniela. | A very artistic picture of Figaro by Daniela. | Una foto muy artistica de Figaro, por Daniela. |
Il n'est pas toujours aussi calme! | He is not always that nice! | El no esta siempre tan calma! |
From MyArt |
I am watching this movie, and I feel their pains and their hopes, and I cry and I laugh, and I live 100 lives, and I learn 1000 lessons, and I am one million better for it. | ||
I want seven lives! I want more time, I want more space, to the stars and to the heart, the path is so long, how can anyone see the end of it? | ||
I am making this drawing, and etching this glass, baking this cake, burning this spoon, sculpting this copper, writing this poem, recording this melody, learning this instrument, speaking this language, dreaming this new world, and this other one, to make it better, for the like of me, and for the other ones too... | ||
I want seven lives! I want more time, I want more space, to the stars and to the heart, the path is so long, how can anyone see the end of it? | ||
I am teaching this lesson, and organizing this game, gathering this group, cheering up this girl, pulling up this guy, consoling this kid, playing with this dog, | ||
Je vous presente mon nouveau colocataire: Figaro! | Let me introduce you to my new flatmate: Figaro! | Tengo el placer de presentarlos mi nuevo compañero de departamento: Figaro! |
Je le garde trois semaines pendant que sa maitresse est en vacance a Torres del Pine. | I am keeping it for three weeks while its owner is on hollidays in Torres del Pine. | Le guardo mientras su dueña es en vacacion a Torres del Pine. |